CranioSacral Therapy is a light touch manual therapy working with the core of the nervous system. When the central nervous system (CNS) is able to calm down the body can self-heal and self-correct allowing other restrictions and tensions to relax, release, and return to optimal function.
CST is a technique that helps re-establish the proper flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) through the identification and release of restrictions and tensions in the body. CST encourages the resolution of restrictions by normalizing the rhythm produced by the pulse of movement of cerebrospinal fluid, which affects the CNS. When the body is allowed to calm and release it is better able to self-heal and self-correct. This helps rebalance the body, soothe the nervous system, quiet the mind; aids to decrease brain fog, increase calm and clarity, allowing space for better more restful sleep, decrease in pain, stiffness, tension and stress, increased range of motion, and improved back and neck pain and joint mobility.
Session $150